Mental Health Support at hours when services are limited

12 December 2022

Health Ability After Hours Mental Health mf DOVE 064 A80177

“I am welcome to call anytime.” - Aaron

In early 2021, Aaron was struggling with his mental health after escaping family violence, he called the CAT Team (Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team) for help. “They said at the time their resources were stretched and they didn't want me to fall through the cracks, so they thought my best port of call was here, healthAbility’s After Hours Mental Health Nursing Service.” Speaking to Zak and the other Mental Health Nurses, Caroline and Vicky on the phone, “I just felt like they were family. Straight away I felt comfortable and at ease, it wasn't an effort, the conversation flowed, and I didn’t feel like there was a stopwatch going. They allowed me to speak as much as I could at that time to help empower me”.

Our After Hours Mental Health Nursing Service is available via free phone call or video call on 1300 003 509 or for face-to-face consultations conveniently located opposite Box Hill Hospital at 36 Wellington Road, Box Hill. It was established in late 2019 to provide support seven days a week, outside the clinical hours of psychologists and psychiatrists. People in need can access the free service through a range of options including an in-person face-to-face session, a toll-free phone call, text messaging or video telehealth consults, whatever’s most comfortable and convenient to the individual; no bookings are required.

Zak who has been a Mental Health Nurse for 23 years explains, “Someone might get a referral to us, such as in Aaron’s case, or they may just call up and then after an initial discussion including some counselling and brief intervention, we make a plan for continued communication and connection via referrals to a network of other allied mental health support services”. Follow-on consultation depends on whatever the individual wants or needs. “We encourage them to call or text us anytime they choose”, Zak urges. Typically, people start with more regular check-ins, calls or texts, sometimes daily then every few days, before it stretches out to weekly and so on. The plan evolves as the client’s mental health needs change or as they move onto the support of other allied mental health and social support services.

The After Hour Mental Health Nurse service is available for people of any age and from any background. People may reach out if they are suffering from any of life stressors such as problems with relationships, work, school, family, grief, sexuality, depression, and anxiety etc. The service is not a crisis support or emergency service.

“People get time to talk and share their thoughts, knowing the service is ongoing and the same, familiar people will always be there. So, when they call up, they don't have to start from ground zero again and explain their whole life’s story”- Zak.

Zak says he sees people benefit from having their struggles acknowledged and that making improvements is difficult, “we work on small steps towards wellbeing”. Aaron says the support and guidance, including referrals and connection to a Support Worker, Peer Support Worker, and an Occupational Therapist within healthAbility was hugely beneficial. As he slowly rebuilt his confidence and regained mental strength, he’s gradually relied less and less on them. Now he is putting himself back out there, feeling excited about the jobs he is pursuing and positive about future relationships.

*Names changed to protect identities.

After Hours Mental Health Nursing service

This service is free of charge and no appointment is needed.

Our support service provides:

  • Listening to your needs and concerns
  • Someone to meet with in person, when a mental health helpline may not be sufficient
  • Advice on next steps and recommendations for ongoing support services
  • A follow up review to see how things are going down the track

Location and Opening Hours

Phone: 1300 003 509 (freecall)

Where: 36 Wellington Rd Box Hill

Open: 2.00pm – 7.00pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays (6.00pm – 11.00pm Monday to Friday

If you or someone you know are in an emergency or crisis contact 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

The After Hours Mental Health Nursing Service is funded by the Australian Government under the Primary Health Network program.

For more information click After Hours Mental Heath Nursing service 

H A AHMS Lady Door 240222

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