Support Services For Seniors

Learn more about our trusted and caring support services for seniors in Melbourne

Most Australians want to stay active and independent as they grow older but sometimes, the physiological impacts of ageing make it difficult. Many older Australians have to decide between residential aged care, care from a loved one or a Home Care Package to get the support they need at home.

If you or a loved one wants and needs older person's support to continue living at home, healthAbility is here to help.

Our professional and supportive team can help you navigate the Australian Government’s My Aged Care (MAC) system, coordinate the full spectrum of aged care services needed and ensure you get the most out of your Home Care Package. With extensive experience in aged care and a thorough knowledge of resources in the local community, we will adapt our services as your needs change.

Contact us for more information about our support services for seniors in Melbourne. We’ll provide the support you need to live your best life in the comfort of your own home.

Understanding support services for seniors in Melbourne

My Aged Care (MAC) is the starting point for you to access Australian Government-funded aged care services. You may be eligible for MAC if you have:

  • Noticed a change in what you can do and/or remember

  • Been diagnosed with a medical condition or reduced mobility

  • Experienced a change in family care arrangements

  • Experienced a recent fall and/or hospital admission

  • Need assistance with everyday tasks

  • Reached the age of 65 years (50 years for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander individuals)

The good news is that getting started with MAC is simple. Before applying for an assessment, you can easily find out if you’re eligible for funding using MAC’s eligibility checker. You don’t even have to provide personal information.

Otherwise, there are three easy steps to getting MAC funding.

  1. Learn the different kinds of care

    If the time has come to look into aged care services, we recommend looking into MAC services that can help you stay in your own home. Plus, we have an extensive list of healthAbility aged care services listed below including Home Care Packages, transport, home maintenance and more.

  2. Get assessed for aged care services

    The next step is to find out if you’re eligible for MAC funding. All you need to do is apply for an assessment online — this takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete. If you aren’t comfortable filling out the application yourself, you’re more than welcome to have a family member or friend fill it out for you.

    An assessor will organise to call you or your loved one about your application and ask a few extra questions.

  3. Find a provider like healthAbility

    Once you have been assessed and approved, you’re ready to find a provider and set up the services you need to continue living at home. healthAbility is one of the leading providers of support services for seniors in Melbourne — we’ll make managing your support services simple.

    Our team will work together with you and your loved ones to ensure you feel confident making decisions and in our safe, trustworthy services.

Do you have a My Aged Care reference number? Contact our friendly team today to start receiving services

National Relay Service (NRS)
healthAbility welcomes calls through the National Relay Service, if you are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have speech communication difficulty.

Choose your access option (information here) and provide our phone number (03 9430 9100) when asked by the Relay Officer.

For more information you can also view the National Relay Service Factsheet.

Contact us for reliable aged care services in Melbourne

With locations in Melbourne’s East and North-East regions, healthAbility offers flexible service delivery either at one of our sites, in your home or community setting, or via telehealth. Whatever is most comfortable and convenient for you, our supportive team will be on hand to answer your questions while adapting our services to suit your needs.

Contact us for more information about our support services for seniors in Melbourne.

Our healthy ageing services include:

Groups and programs

3 older people using weights in a gym, being instructed by a staff member
Meet David Well

David is 66 and has arthritis in his knee. David cares for his wife, Maria. As David is getting older, he is finding that it is harder to keep on top of his day to day chores and his mobility is declining.

Watch how we helped David apply, be accessed and approved for a Home Care Package through My Aged Care. Now David and Maria are receiving help with cleaning, meal preparation and personal care.

Meet the other Well family members

David is part of the Well family, meet the other family members as they engage with a range of services to support them to live better lives. Meet the Well family.