Supporting people to get a spring in their step again
03 October 2022
GLA:D™ Australia is an education and exercise program for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms. This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities. By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, participants will train their bodies to move properly, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.
Ian Gill, has been a Physiotherapist for over 30 years and has supported many clients to improve their range of movement and quality of life through assessment, treatment and management of a wide variety of conditions. Ian speaks to us about his experience supporting clients through the GLA:D™ program at healthAbility.
Ian says, “The GLA:D™ program, which stand for Good Living with Arthritis: Denmark is the world’s best, evidence-based practice management of lower limb osteoarthritis, it doesn’t matter which joint - hip, knee, or ankle. The course consists of twelve 45-minute group exercise classes, twice weekly for six weeks. “We focus on the three primary principles: strengthening, neuromuscular improvement, (which is how you function) and a little bit of core work, whilst using five pairs of exercises”.
Ian says, “A lot of people I see avoid doing exercise because their joints are stiff and painful and their first reaction is to guard it, and not move it”. He continues, “In fact, 10 years ago the advice would have been to get on a bike or in a pool and not load the injured knee, yet now the research suggests if you load these joints, and endure an acceptable amount of pain doing so, you actually facilitate the lubrication and health of the bone cartilage and joint, which is bathed in synovial fluid produced by weight baring”.
Clients that complete the GLA:D™ program are then referred to a Maintenance group, which is available for anyone keen to keep accessing the facilities and physiotherapy expertise on conclusion of the program.
Ian has an easy and friendly rapport with many of the program members, which is indicative of the connections formed amongst the small, supportive group. “It’s been great to see the friendships and connections build amongst the group members, it’s more than just treatment, isn’t it? It’s about community connection and this is community health, that’s what I like about it”, Ian adds.
“I’ve never been one to go to the gym, but you can whip up here for the 45 minutes, you don’t have to put on any special clothes, and it’s easy parking and shopping nearby”, which is very important when mobility is an issue. “With Summer coming on its great to be more mobile and doing something good for yourself.” - Mandy, GLA:D™ client
Find out more about the GLA:D™ program or to talk to our friendly team about our health and wellbeing programs, contact 9430 9100.