We value our volunteers - happy National Volunteer Week

15 May 2023

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This week is National Volunteer Week (15 – 21 May 2023). It is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering and recognises the vital support that volunteers provide to their communities. At healthAbility, we extend our sincerest thanks to all our amazing volunteers. We are fortunate to have such passionate individuals who embody the spirit of giving back. Thank you all for your invaluable service and for making a difference in the lives of others. Below, we are sharing the story of one of our incredible volunteers, Gail. 

Gail’s role as a healthAbility volunteer is varied and dynamic. This morning she’s explaining the rules of a new game to the Connect Well group commenting, “they’re quite competitive some of them, and I get a good laugh cheering them on”. Gail had been a fulltime carer for her senior parents until 2017. “Sadly, once they passed, I was at a loose end, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. A friend here at healthAbility suggested I try volunteering, so I gained Centrelink funding by working 15 unpaid hours per week. Initially I thought I might be placed in a reception type role since I came from a clerical background, but they took me to meet Rachel, the Team Leader for the Connect Well Groups which accommodates small groups of older people and people living with disability, and I’ve been here ever since”.

“At first I questioned if I was the right person for the role because I’d never worked in a social support position before, I’d only volunteered in a church office and in the Research Primary School library but the staff here are so lovely, everybody around you is so positive and supportive. I think the work gave me a new sense of purpose, instead of sitting around home doing nothing, it’s much nicer to get out and connect with people and make a difference to their lives. It works both ways really, it enriches my life just as much as it enriches theirs”.

Two older people play board games and laugh, as the volunteer support worker cheers them on

I enjoy the Wednesdays’ Out and About Group most, as one reason is I get to go and experience a lot of things I wouldn’t otherwise get to see. For instance, the other week we went to the Fox Classic Car Museum which was interesting. I always love going to Morning Melodies once a month, we go to places like the Museum, the Art Gallery, Ten Pin Bowling, we watch planes landing at the airport, go to the Lilydale Lake for walks - things like that. I also really enjoy having a dance and some of the members love to have a boogie too, so that’s heaps of fun. Oh, and there’s also the bonus of a delicious home-made meal cooked by Rochelle, that’s a little perk of being a volunteer, we get to join in on lunch”.

Rachel, the Connect Well Group Team Leader says, “the input by volunteers is invaluable. We couldn’t live without Gail, she started off working one day, then two, and now she does three days a week. Gail helps with the Out and About Early Onset Dementia Group on Wednesday, and then she helps in the Eltham centre-based programs on Thursday and Friday, and occasionally with the Friday outings group. She does all sorts of jobs from helping with transport, group activities, even assisting in the kitchen - she’s amazing”.

“I feel really appreciated by the organisation”, adds Gail. “In 2019, healthAbility nominated me for the 2019 Minister for Health Volunteer Awards. On Volunteers Day every year we get a Certificate of Appreciation, so you do feel really valued and the staff are always saying things like, ‘thanks very much for your help today’”.

Gail says it’s hard to put into words how it makes her feel to volunteer. “It’s great to go to a job you love. I would recommend volunteering with healthAbility to anyone who might be considering it. It has given me an added sense of purpose in life - you get to see great things, work with great people and I’ve made some great friends here too.

To find out more about our volunteer positions, click here. 

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