The Victorian Support for Carers Program is an initiative to financially support unpaid carers of healthAbility clients, as well as unpaid carers who are receiving services from healthAbility.

healthAbility recognise that unpaid carers make a big difference to those they support, and like those they care for, should also be well and healthy.

How you can use the funds

Eligible expense examples include:

  • Wellbeing activities: health and wellbeing services like a relaxing massage therapy session, general counselling, carer support groups
  • Goods and equipment: goods and services that help manage carer stress and anxiety, transport or fuel vouchers to access a carer meeting or medical appointment
  • Respite support: paid overnight residential respite or worker respite support

How to check your eligibility

An unpaid carer is a person who looks after someone who may have a disability, chronic condition, mental or other serious illness or is frail and needs care due to ageing. You are not paid in this role but may do so as a family member or friend.

Important information

Funding limits are $500 per financial year subject to eligibility and funding

How to apply
