If you are concerned about your child’s communication, self-care or motor skills, sensory function, social, thinking, emotional or physical development, our caring and professional team can assess, diagnose and provide therapeutic support.

Our Grow Well group programs and services provide expert care to families of children aged under 12 years. Children and or young people aged over 12 years may be eligible for Grow Well services depending on presenting areas for support.

We understand the life-long benefits of addressing concerns early and the importance of a holistic and tailored approach. Being an NDIS provider allows us to work directly with children and their families to achieve their goals and more.

Our range of Grow Well group programs are offered on demand and include

  • Development Programs
    • Early Childhood Early Intervention Key Worker Model
    • Social Skills Development Program
    • "It Takes Two To Talk" and "Target Word" (Hanen programs)
    • Handwriting
    • Sound Development
    • Feeding Clinic
  • School Readiness Program

In addition, we provide the NDIS funded Key Worker Model. The Key Worker is your main point of contact for your family’s needs. They will provide your child with therapy support and will work with you and the other services to help your child’s development. The Key Worker guides your family and brings the skills of the team to build your child’s confidence and be fully included and engaged in everyday activities.

Our Key Workers are highly trained occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychotherapists and educators who work as a team and have specific skills in supporting children and families.

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Development Programs

Supporting your child’s on-going development

The following programs are designed to support the ongoing developmental needs of your child.

To ensure your child’s suitability and deliver the best possible outcomes, your child’s skills will need to be assessed in order to join one of the following groups.

"It Takes Two to Talk" and "Target Word" (Hanen programs)
These programs are specifically for parents whose concern is that their child is not using very many words or word combinations. Parents learn to create launguage learning opportunities for their child and are given time to practice these strategies at home with their child.

Sound Development
The program helps your child to understand how sounds are made and learn how to use speech sounds, increasing their ability to use clear speech. The group allows them to practice their speech sounds with peers in a supportive environment. 

Social Skills
The program helps to develop your child's social skills in a fun and interactive way, including greeting, taking turns, asking for help, overcoming fear and anxiety, calming down and speaking up.

Groups are offered by age, area of focus and are for preschoolers and lower-primary and upper-primary school aged children.

The program encourages fine and gross motor skill development. This includes finger placement and body awareness for children learning to put pen to paper.

Feeding Clinic
Available to infants from 6 months transitioning to solids 8 years. Children who have a limited food range, food fussiness, food refusal, anxiety and behavioral concerns around food. Children with nutrition concerns, low growth, weight loss or gut issues should be referred to Dietetics. Children with specialised medical or disability needs should be referred to a specialised service.

A lady and young boy playing playdoh together on a table

School Readiness

Get ready, get set for school!

Helping your child develop skills required for school such as language skills and pre-literacy skills, physical well-being, motor coordination, concentration, emotional adjustment and independence.

Designed for children aged 4 to 6 years, our team of specialist early childhood clinicians will ensure your child is ready and set for school.

The team includes a Child Psychologist, Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist, who use evidence based activities and techniques to deliver the thorough yet caring group program.

Together they take a holistic approach to school readiness and will ensure your child has all the developmental, emotional and behavioural skills needed for success. School Readiness programs run during the term and/or school holiday intensive.

To ensure your child’s suitability and deliver the best possible outcomes, your child’s skills will need to be assessed in order to join one of the school readiness programs.

At the end of the program you can expect to have the strategies to help your child develop:

  • Pre-reading and writing skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Attention and concentration skills
  • Ability to self-help and participate at school
  • Social skills
A young boy practicing tying show laces on a education device


Do I need a General Practitioner (GP) referral?
What are the fees?
Will I get a rebate from my private health insurance?
What should I bring to my appointment?
Do you see National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) clients?
From which locations do you offer Grow Well Group programs?

Get in touch

Contact our team by sending us an online enquiry or call us on